Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Joy.

today's good.half good. now i know why i've been tormented by the 3D people.its really good.

failed to get an acoustic today, but most certainly tomorrow.got a scrunchy for music purpose today too.heh.

i'm all protein conscious nowadays, trying my very best for mass gain and to rub away the skinny figure of mine.ate like an elephant, grow like a human.

listening to elders talking about life has become one of my hobbies.as in real elders, people who are leavin' this life. and i'm just starting out my future. lemme translate what my contented granny said

"you can pay your dues with any job in life, its whether you can 'pia'."

my gram sold chai kueh.

Dont wake up one day, feeling old and grumpy.


Dreamtheater's Octavarium