Monday, October 20, 2008

Fly On Sweet Angel - I'll Be Back

The past weekend i've had, prolly could have been a fun one for me in quite sometime.Its exam fever this time around and everybody's busy eating and shitting books and notes.As for me, I've been taking it lightly and just started today...i dont wanna get shit grades afterall.After all the stuffs over the weekend.

On Saturday, it was Co-curiculum Day in school. So I went to help out the band play a few refreshment for the audieces la, really simple stuffs. After that went to Mcd with Chia Haw, Ed and Matt, had normal Mcd days...ahh. and while lunching, Yik Sean invited me to go Gurney for some hanging out.So i decided to play along...since its been ages since i stepped into gurney.

Man, its hell of a good Gurney day actually.i went to Towers and guess what, they were blasting AC/DC when i got in there. And even shittier, Natalie the shopkeeper who branded Guns N' Roses punk rock was like tapping feet and lightly banging head to AC/DC's For Those About To Rock(We Salute You). Ahh....she has come a long way indeed.And there's a plasma widescreen showing an AC/DC concert on blu ray.Angus Young took of his pants when i was watching. = ]
Man...I seriously love Tower records that day, dont wanna get out la. it felt just so great with the hi-fi blasting!Thank you, Natalie.

After that went to the music shop and guess what i saw in the vault of guitars...

Its Joe Satriani's Ibanez JS20S Silver Surfer Limited Edition! man...this babe cost around 4 or 5K.Wooh....i've never seen a JS in local stores.gonna try it one day...too bad its in the vault.i really hope the people there are nice enough to let me try. And damnit they placed it right beside a JEM Jr...uhh..increases rocker libido..

Caught a chinese movie too, Painted Skin. nice storylines...almost made me cry.lots of romance ...always trust your partner.T.T

And and and and the thrill of the day. Got a new pair of piercings. one side each on the ears...yeah, got to experience the thrill of it again.It hurts more this time actually. so i'm already on the next level....planned for 3 on each side actually.heh
That was Saturday.

Sunday happened so quickly.I ended up procrastinating the whole day instead of studying. music and guitar being the attention seekers again.but i love can you help it when you open up a book, and then the guitar pickups are like staring you on the face.ahh... so thats about it. gonna return after the finals.I'll be back again, blacker on me.Time to whip some education ass...keep on rockin'.

Check up Rock-@$$ for rock updates.