So this is how its gonna be.This is the STPM year for me.The king of the shit.The shit is the exam. After the ride of last year and busted balls as i went into form 6...its gonna be different a little this year.maybe a lot. I'm seated in the middle this year, away from my traditional back or side seats. Full of bookies around me...a little pump on inspiration and motivation.i'm glad i'm in my class, perhaps my class and 6RB are the liveliest in doubt.the dramas the gossips, human conjured weapon/armor against human. i was in at the center of the headline once i guess...maybe still a little today.all the small things.and some big things.I love them all.
And studies shall be that and that. school's gonna intro a string orchestra and i'm in it. on choice whether to take violin or i've got into a string ensemble, a jazz ensemble and a school band. deepthroat into music.not forgetting the Strat at home.
I'm quite freakin loaded Pinhorn to manage and band formation to get ready.and the bio folio aint helping...Hope all of them won't collapse on me.Gonna be the merchant and the captain...bring the shit.
My core for this month is back to the soul-caster, guitar cryer and soothsayer Buckethead. After the my first premier of Jared's Guns N' Roses's Chinese Democracy in my car, that kill switched solo on There Was A Time...and so there.The shackler is back for revenge. For some reason Buckethead stands out of the rest of my guitar heroes and rockers.He's that masked, KFC bucket headed man. The absence of expression on the face, makes me wonder more.A few years back i dont believe this person exist, major break on me. The epitome of making the guitar speak for itself.Make it scream, make it sing, make it roar, make it whisper, make it cry.
There will be another tribute for Mr.Buckethead here.
Sometimes i felt like putting on a mask too, hiding the expressions just for myself.
So come on lots of music to play.lots of heart graveyards to fill.balls to bust.
The I wants.
- own form 6
- get into as many music projects as possible for enjoyment
- make people that i love happy
- no more 'shy shy' attitude
- learn to read score for guitar.this is the imba shit
Left: 'my yet to be named' (project name: Third Jesus) squire stratocaster
Right: Jared's Rose - squire telecaster
Wah, string orchestra? Not bad, but still band rocks more than others. N i'd advise u 2 go n study la. I hv no doubt tat u will breeze thru stpm, bt without other stuffs, u cn tryout consistent studying. Less pressurising. Im tryin it 1st time after 4 yrs! hehe...
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